Before you head to the polls on election day, (or mail in your ballot, or vote absentee), I’d like to share with you some factual information that might influence your decision. I’m just sharing the facts. Feel free to research them for yourself.
Not only did James Craig side with right-wing extremists recently when he flip-flopped on the district’s masking policy, he has a pattern of deceitful, bullying behavior.
Below are some more examples:
During the April 26 Board Meeting (clip shown above), James made a motion to adopt a redistricting scenario that would put Steve Ullum’s address in District 3. Prior to his motion, Ullum’s house was in District 2 and would not have been eligible to run in this year’s election. Did he even know? WFPL states that District 3 was one of the least impacted districts, so why does he even care. Now they are trying to tell us that Ullum moved into that house just so he could run. That’s not what our research shows. But that still doesn’t change the fact that James’ motion made Steve’s address eligible.
In July, he told an audience that there were “two groups” involved in the tax petition efforts and “both groups” had to be taken to the Kentucky Supreme Court. This is a lie. No wonder he turned his back on me when I went up to ask him who the other group was at the end of the meeting.
Here’s a link to the livestream. The lie starts at around the 17-minute mark, and I go into a great more detail here:
Tax Increase Timeline of Events
As I go on to explain in the timeline, he doubled down on the lie with his Fellowship of Reconciliation candidate survey response. I screenshot it here.
These lies are easily disproven. Here’s a link to the Supreme Court’s ruling regarding “the” petition. My name or petition was not mentioned once.
Here’s a quick explanation for our petition.
Not only is he misrepresenting our efforts, he’s flat out wrong to say our signatures were fraudulent or that they took us all the way to the Kentucky Supreme Court. They simply didn’t.
There’s enough bullying going on in our schools without more of it coming from the top. There’s enough lies and deceit in our government without public school board members adding to the mix. This is one of many reasons why I decided to challenge my school board member in his campaign for re-election. We cannot afford to allow those who do not recognize what’s happening, or worse, see it and still refuse to stand up to these bullies and liars, but instead become more like them, to remain in leadership during these dangerous and tumultuous times.
Please help me replace him on November 8.